
Keep Fits: Greater Manchester schools to miss out on solar panels due to cuts

The Government is planning to slash the amount of funding available for clean energy schemes, which helps millions of people benefit from solar, wind and water power, whilst still supporting the investment in fossil fuels such as fracking and oil and gas as well as nuclear power.

The plans are proposing to cut the Feed in Tariff (FIT), the payment renewable energy generators receive for producing green electricity, by up to 90% from January 2016. This will make many community owned schemes unworkable meaning schools, churches and community groups will not be able to produce their own renewable energy, which would help cut their bills and support communities to be self sufficient in energy in Manchester. 

If the Government is serious about tackling climate change, enabling communities to develop their own businesses, and growing the green economy, it needs to support renewables ahead of fossil fuels. We would urge anyone who supports green energy to join the campaign at  

Greater Manchester Community Renewables

May Update

We have submitted an application for a grant from the Department for Energy and Climate Change’s (DECC’s) Urban Community Energy Fund (UCEF) to help us bring our project to a state where it is investment ready. If successful, the grant will see us receive funding for feasibility studies, initial legal work, community consultation, financial modelling and planning advice.